Change from student to employee status: how to do it?

Change from student to employee status

If you wish to work full-time at the end of your studies, you must meet certain conditions and request a change of status to modify your residence permit. As a student holding a “student” residence permit, you already have the right to work a limited number of hours. In such […]

Obtaining a residence permit: how to do it?

Obtaining a residence permit: how to do it?

What is a residence permit? Obtaining a residence permit allows a foreigner to stay on French territory for more than three months. Thanks to this document, foreigners can benefit from social security and financial allowances. The residence permit is not automatically renewed. Admittedly, the foreigner must file a […]

Everything you need to know about the Residence Permit Commission

Residence permit commission

In which cases does the Residence Permit Commission intervene? The competent administrative authority to refer residence permits to the Commission is the Prefect or, in Paris, the Prefect of Police. He can contact the Residence Permit Commission in the following situations: when he refuses to issue or renew a residence permit [...]

Everything you need to know about the employee residence permit: 4 key points

Employee residence permit

Who can obtain the salaried residence permit? A foreigner who exercises a salaried activity under a permanent employment contract (CDI) can obtain a temporary residence permit. More precisely, the card bears the mention “employee” with a maximum duration of one year. To achieve this goal, you must follow the following procedure. Which is […]